
SUGEP Investigated Göbeklitepe for Life in Harmony with Nature

SUGEP (Sustainable Development Youth Leaders Education Programme) launched a project to examine Göbeklitepe in Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, which has changed the perception of the human-nature relationship in history. Within the scope of the project, after the trainings given in İzmir, the participants travelled to Göbeklitepe to conduct a field investigation. Stating that there has been a serious debate in the international literature recently on sustainable cities and communities, which is the SDG 11 target, SUGEP manager Umut Dilsiz said, "There is a judgement that sustainable life is more possible in rural areas. Of course, since there are more layers in cities, it is a little more difficult to create a sustainable city than in the countryside, which is why the discussions are very protracted and generally carried out through innovation. Instead of doing this through innovation, we have put researching the knowledge of the past and a lifestyle in harmony with nature on the agenda of our discussions."


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