
COP28 Adaptation Efforts Are at the Forefront

Assist. Prof. Dr. Feyza Güliz Şahinyazan from Simon Fraser University said that one of the most important outputs of COP28 in food and agriculture systems is the reporting of how much progress has been made in the Paris Agreement with the Declaration of National Contribution: "Since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015, countries have to make new commitments every five years. But it is not enough just to make these commitments, it is also necessary to document how much these commitments are kept. Since the next commitments will be made in 2025, for the first time at a COP, the situation of countries in the climate struggle will be evaluated this year." Reminding that within the scope of the mentioned evaluation, it was accepted to include emissions from food and methods to reduce them in the agreement, but the EU did not participate in this, Şahinyazan said that although the European Parliament previously wanted to include food and agricultural systems in emission counts, it made contradictory statements by staying away from the issue with the approach that many people who work in this line of work would be harmed by this. Stating that it is a question mark whether the EU will add this to its commitments in 2025, the researcher underlined that from the perspective of adaptation; serious issues such as climate-resistant seeds and agricultural methods, alternative protein sources will start to come to the agenda in the coming period.


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